Legal Disclaimer--Please Read

Hey, we want our site to be informative and enjoyable, but every lawyer has to have rules, right? Here are ours:

Nothing contained at this site can be construed as legal advice. It is incredibly stupid to do anything based on what you read on the page of a complete stranger. Never take any action that may affect your rights or legal well-being without consulting a lawyer personally.

Nothing contained at this site can be construed as giving rise to an attorney/client relationship. An attorney/client relationship can only be created by express agreement, and only after a fee arrangement has been made and a retainer paid. Nothing contained herein may be construed as an offer for provision of legal services. You expressly acknowledge that the any attorney participating at this site may have a conflict that prevents their office from providing advice or legal services to you.

The participating attorneys are licensed in the State of Oklahoma only, unless otherwise expressly stated. That means that, unless the matter involves federal law or Oklahoma law, we cannot provide advice, services, or even a guess. Our assistance in cases involving other jurisdictions is to advise that you seek competent legal help from the applicable jurisdiction.

The One-Stop Oklahoma Law Site is not affiliated with, or financially interested in, any of the advertisers herein, and no covenants, warranties or implications may be inferred or implied by the appearance of ads at this site.

There, that wasn't so bad, was it?